Seranfyll, by Christina Daley

Genre: Middle Grade, Fantasy
Pages: 338
Publication: 7/23/2011, Author
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Why I Chose It: I received a copy from the author in exchange for an honest and thoughtful review.
Synopsis (from Good Reads): For the first time in her life, Rain has a choice to make.
The thirteen-year-old slave girl lives in the country of Yoan, where slaves aren't allowed proper names, let alone anything else. After being sold by a gambler and bought by a thief, she's freed by an eccentric young noble, about whom many rumors abound. Some say his manor is haunted, his horse can fly, and that he's actually a devil.
Now that she's free, Rain must decide what she will do with that new freedom. Her choices will lead her to new friends and many adventures, none of which she could have possibly expected.
Fans of Harry Potter and Howl's Moving Castle will enjoy this magical tale about choices, consequences, and what it really means to be free.
My Review: I really enjoyed this one, but I have to say that it took me completely by surprise. I wasn't expecting to like it. This isn't because of the book itself, it's simply that I was in a foul mood when I sat down to read it, and, as any reader knows, your mood can greatly influence your reading experience. However by the time I was finished with this story not only was I immensely satisfied, I'd completely forgotten what I was upset about to begin with. Isn't it amazing what a good book can do?
I completely fell in love with the characters from this book. They're engaging and charming, from Rain to Coal to Domrey. Daley certainly does a remarkable job of making you care for her characters. The story itself starts a little slow with Rain being sold and taken from the home she knew and loved, but it picks up once she arrives at Domrey's manor.
The language and subject matter are perfectly suited to a middle grade audience. And while the book is a little on the longish side, it doesn't feel that way when you're reading it, and it's filled with enough magic and action to keep even the younger readers interested.
I really don't have anything negative to say about the book. It was a fun, enchanting debut from a talented writer. One that I would recommend to readers looking for a great MG fantasy novel. I personally can't wait to see what Daley has in store for her fans next.
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