Thanks to the awesome people at Macmillan Audio I have a audiobook of Cinder to give away to one of my lucky readers. If you haven't heard of Cinder you can read my review here or check out the synopsis below:
Synopsis from Goodreads: Humans and androids crowd the raucous streets of New Beijing. A deadly plague ravages the population. From space, a ruthless lunar people watch, waiting to make their move. No one knows that Earth’s fate hinges on one girl. . . .
Cinder, a gifted mechanic, is a cyborg. She’s a second-class citizen with a mysterious past, reviled by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsister’s illness. But when her life becomes intertwined with the handsome Prince Kai’s, she suddenly finds herself at the center of an intergalactic struggle, and a forbidden attraction. Caught between duty and freedom, loyalty and betrayal, she must uncover secrets about her past in order to protect her world’s future.
In this thrilling debut young adult novel, the first of a quartet, Marissa Meyer introduces readers to an unforgettable heroine and a masterfully crafted new world that’s enthralling.
Macmillan Audio has also been kind enough to offer a free preview:
From Publisher - Cinder webclip - eSnips
Like what you hear? Buy It From Amazon or Macmillan Audio
Okay, so you know the drill--you want it, just fill out the rafflecopter below. US Only. Winner will be notified via email at the end of the contest.
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Thanks for this giveaway! My favorite fairy tale is Cinderella!
klaxon63350 (at) mypacks (dot) net
Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I love fairy tales. I think my favorite is "The Little Mermaid," the original story. This story always makes me sad and emotional, but it's amazing of the mermaid at the end to not kill the man she loves in order to live.
I love the Grimm tale, "The Maiden Without Hands".
I was lucky to get an ARC and so I can say with confident Cinder is a great Cinderella tale. And I love Cinderella I always thought she had Moxie.
My favorite was Beauty and the Beast. I liked the whole idea of finding love with a person for who they truly are.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I have to say my favorite fairy tale is "Snow white and Rose Red."
My favorite fairy tale is The little mermaid, I probably seen so many versions of this story tis why I love it XD
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
My favorite fairy tale is a toss up between 'Beauty and the Beast' and 'Sleeping Beauty'.
You mean I have to pick ONE?! Umm....hmmm....I think I'll go with Beauty and the Beast. At least at this moment in time.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I love Little Red Riding Hood
My favorite Fairytale growing up had to be Sleeping Beauty!
It's probably Snow White because it was the first fairy tale story I saw in the movie theater (back before VCRs and DVD players).
My dad used to read us the Edgar Allen Poe Tales, which are probably no worse than the original Grimm Fairy Tales.
Definitely Beauty and the Beast. :) I love Belle's personality. Though, I must say, this is based off of the Disney version *blush*..I've never read the original story! Thank you for the giveaway. :)
Had to join this since Cinder is on my to be read list and I would love an audio!
My favorite fairytale is Snow White, even more now that Once Upon Time started coming TV.
Cinderella so naturally I want to win this!
Cinderealla!! My all time fav, I've tried to push it on my daughter as well, but so far she likes Beauty and The Beast better :)
Hands down Snow White...I first saw the Disney movie sometime in the late 50's, I was about 8 or 9 yrs. old. I was hooked. I later received a copy of it and several other fairy tales as gifts.
My favorite would probably be Snow White. I just have always loved everything about it, the music, the little guys. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Cinderella has always been my all time favorite fairytale.
With a name like Cidney, it's not a stretch to guess that Cinderella was always my fave! I was nicknamed Cinders for a three year stretch of college!
Beauty and the Beast hands down!
Beauty and the Beast. I'm surprised it's so popular. I would have guessed Cinderella, especially considering the giveaway!
My favorite fairytale is Beauty and The Beast. I always loved the character Belles spunk and how she stood up for what she believed in.
My favorite fairy tale is Aladdin... I like the boy having to work for the girl instead of the other way around!
Little Mermaid, for sure!
When ever I think fairy tale I immediately think Cinderella. Maybe it pops to mind because of Cinder, I honestly do not know, but without going to search for a tale this is what comes to me: Thank you for the fun post and giveaway :)
My favorite fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast. Thanks!
I'll have to say Cinderella ! Even as a little girl I was a hopeless romantic :D
Beauty and the Beast has always been a fav of mine.
My favorite fairytale is Beauty and the Beast :)
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