Making Waves, Tawna Fenske

Genre: Adult, Romantic Comedy
Pages: 352
Published: 8/1/2011, Sourcebooks
Why I Chose It: I pre-ordered this book on my Nook as soon as it was available. I adore Tawna Fenske's blog Don't Pet Me, I'm Writing and couldn't wait for the opportunity to read one of her novels.
I love the cover, it's fun and the colors are pretty. I also adore the title. Before the release of the book Tawna held a vote on her blog giving readers the opportunity to pick between two titles -- Making Waves or Rock the Boat. I voted for Making Waves so I'm a little partial there.
Synopsis (from Good Reads): When Alex Bradshaw's unscrupulous boss kicks him to the curb after 20 faithful years as an executive with the world's largest shipping company, he sets out to reclaim his dignity and his pension. Assembling a team of fellow corporate castoffs, he sails to the Caribbean to intercept an illegal diamond shipment. None of them counted on quirky blonde stowaway Juli Flynn, who has a perplexing array of talents, a few big secrets, and an intoxicating romantic chemistry with Alex...
My Review: I had incredibly high expectations for this book. I mean like skyscraper high or James Franco in Pineapple Express high. Tawna Fenske and her blog have on many occasions provided me with unstoppable fits of laughter. I wanted it to be hilarious and quirky. I wanted it to be all the things I've come to love about Tawna's blog. And you know what? It was.
Turned out it was everything I'd wanted and more. I breezed through it, each page making it impossible not to turn to the next and continue reading. At times it made me blush ferociously and at others laugh out loud until my sides hurt and I had to pee. It's unique and fresh. And I can honestly tell you that you won't find anything else quite like it out there.
It was silly. It was sexy. There were pirates. Yes, that's right. Pirates. I don't think it can get much better than that. I am definitely a fan for life and I can't wait to see what Ms. Fenske has in store for us with her next book.
Buy this book. Read this book. Stalk Tawna on her blog. I assure you, you will not be disappointed.
Sounds like a great read!
I bought this book a few weeks ago because I follow Tawna's blog too. I'm even more excited to read it now! I better read it while the weather is warm - sounds like the perfect summer read.
Wow, I had "read" three times in one sentence. Sorry.
It really is so awesome. I wish I could tell you my favorite scene because it's so awkwardly hilarious that it will stay with me forever. I can't wait until you guys read it!
Pirated?! Gotta read it! :O
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