The Juliet Spell, by Douglas Rees

Genre: Young Adult, Magical Realism
Pages: 304
Publication: 09/27/2011, HarlequinTeen
Why I Chose It: I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for a thoughtful and honest review.
Synopsis (from Goodreads): I wanted the role of Juliet more than anything. I studied hard. I gave a great reading for it—even with Bobby checking me out the whole time. I deserved the part.
I didn't get it. So I decided to level the playing field, though I actually might have leveled the whole play. You see, since there aren't any Success in Getting to Be Juliet in Your High School Play spells, I thought I'd cast the next best—a Fame spell. Good idea, right?
Yeah. Instead of bringing me a little fame, it brought me someone a little famous. Shakespeare. Well, Edmund Shakespeare. William's younger brother.
Good thing he's sweet and enthusiastic about helping me with the play...and—ahem—maybe a little bit hot. But he's from the past. Way past. Cars amaze him—cars! And cell phones? Ugh.
Still, there's something about him that's making my eyes go star-crossed....
My Review: Okay, so it wasn't a literary masterpiece, but it wasn't trying to be so I don't feel the need to judge it as such. It wasn't deep or thought-provoking, it was merely what it set out to be--a fun, light, quick read. One which I found enjoyable if a little simplistic.
There were a few things that left me scratching my head, like the fact that everyone seems to so easily accept the fact that there's this boy from Elizabethan England that Miranda magically transported to present day. Fine, I knew this was going to happen but I would've expected a little more shock and disbelief before everyone just started making him feel at home.
Other than that, I really liked it. It reminded me a little of the teen-girl movies I love watching. They make little sense but it doesn't make them any less enjoyable. As long as you're not expecting too much, I think you'll find The Juliet Spell worth your time.
This looks like a fun book. I really like the cover! THanks!
I would love to read this.I love any book that has a little bit of magic or witchiness in them.
thats a pretty cover and i enjoyed teh review first time i heard of the book was now so ty for sharing an honest review will have to chekc it out eventually
I would love to read this story. This is the first time I hear of this book. I have added it to my book wish list.
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