Divergent, by Veronica Roth

Genre: Young Adult SciFi Dystopian
Pages: 299
Published: 5/3/2011, Harper Collins
Why I Chose It: It came highly recommended by friends who'd read and loved the story. I was definitely attracted to the cover. It's strong, powerful, and dark. It screams SciFi & Dystopia, two things I love.
Synopsis (from Good Reads): In Beatrice Prior's dystopian Chicago, society is divided into five factions, each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue—Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent).
On an appointed day of every year, all sixteen-year-olds must select the faction to which they will devote the rest of their lives. For Beatrice, the decision is between staying with her family and being who she really is—she can't have both. So she makes a choice that surprises everyone, including herself.
During the highly competitive initiation that follows, Beatrice renames herself Tris and struggles to determine who her friends really are—and where, exactly, a romance with a sometimes fascinating, sometimes infuriating boy fits into the life she's chosen.
But Tris also has a secret, one she's kept hidden from everyone because she's been warned it can mean death. And as she discovers a growing conflict that threatens to unravel her seemingly perfect society, she also learns that her secret might help her save those she loves . . . or it might destroy her.
My Review: I had a hard time connecting with Tris in the beginning. That's not to say that I didn't enjoy the book, because I did. It's just that there's only so much self-doubt I can take and Tris is riddled with it. One redeeming factor was that she didn't whine about it.
Overall, I found the plot predictable. I knew where we were going and all the plot twists and character revelations that would follow from about page 46. This means I spent a lot of time waiting for Tris to catch up with me.
Of course now some of you may be wondering how I can give 4 stars to a book where I didn't instantly fall in love with the main character or where I'd figured out the plot so early on.
Well, since you asked:
1) I love the world Veronica Roth created. I love its texture, its history, its layers, and its message. I love all the secondary characters, from her friend and fellow initiate Christina to the conniving, cruel Eric.
2) I love where this story seems to be heading. The book actually ends, unlike some others I've read in recent history. It can stand on its own, but it left room for the sequel that is coming. A sequel that I am now anticipating.
3) Just because I couldn't relate to Tris' character doesn't mean that she's not an interesting character. At the very least, I understood her motivation. Tris' self-doubt and her sometimes infuriating behavior stemmed from her background and, to be honest, there's not an Abnegation bone in my body, so it was hard for me to understand her actions and reactions. But she was conflicted and I can appreciate that. And she was always honest about it.
Tris grew on me. The more she came into her own -- realizing that her so-called flaws were actually part of her strength -- and the more she embraced the whole person she was meant to be, the more I liked her. By the end I was rooting for her.
4) Four -- If the book had been about Four standing in a cardboard box, I would have read it cover to cover and begged for more. To me, Four was the most compelling character in the story, even though I had him figured out from the start.
He's strong, loyal, brave, selfless, and kind & loving wrapped up in a hard exterior. He's bruised by his past, but far from broken. Just how I like my heroes. He reminded me of a Dean Winchester or a Wolverine type. And anyone who knows me, knows how much I love those guys.
I'd recommend this book, especialy to anyone who likes Dystopia. And to those who may have trouble connecting with Tris like I did, stick around. It's worth it.
I gave it 5...I hope we can still be friends! ;0) Kidding. To each their own. And I am SO with you on the Four in a box (haha)! He's my fav book boy by far! Great review!
I've been wanting to read it for a while. Nice review.
Nice review. This has been on my TBR for a few months now, and I always like hearing what others think of books before I read them, even if it's not a 5-star review. ;) Thanks!
Thanks for the review. I have this book and really can't wait to read it. I have heard a lot of good things about it. Just haven't had the chance to read it y et.
I love dystopia. So i hope i like it.
I recently finished this book, and I liked Tris' character: the way she is of small stature, but still braver than the rest of the Dauntless. I love how Four gets his nickname, too!
Great review!
I have to read this book now, especially since it has depth:)
This genre is fairly new to me and I just finished reading Hunger Games. I have had my eye on Divergent for a while and it is on the wishlist. Thank you for sharing today, your opinion is valuable :)
thanks for the wonderful review, i have yet to read this one and can't wait to dive into it! Happy New Years!
I too would read it just for Four. Tobias was a very interesting character, I really liked Tris' friend Will
Divergent has been recommended to me over and over. I'm not sure if I want to read it or not. Excellent review.
Love your review, I really liked Divergent, too!
Thanks for your honest review. THis book is still on my bookshelf waiting to be read.
thanks for your review. I have recently just gotten into dystopian books and LOVE them. I can't wait to read this one :D Great review!
I have seen so many good reviews about this one. I love dystopian novels. I think I'm gonna pick this one up.
I really did like this book! I can't wait to read the next book (in Dutch, so I have to wait a while...).
I loved this book. I recently read it because some friends of mine forced me to. lol :')
Four was my favorite character and I can't wait for the sequel. I also gave it 4/5 stars.
Great review!
I still haven't read this, despite reading many fantastic reviews like this one! I have to get my hands on a copy ASAP!
Oooh! Your review has definitely left me intrigued. I think I need to read about Four and find out why you think he's so interesting:)
Thanks for the review....been wanting to start this series for some time now. Have heard nothing but awesome things. I really need to just pick it on and make it my next read.
I personally loved this book. Although, I do agree with you that some things were predictable. And I loved Four too! Great review.
-- Sam @ SIK Book Reviews
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