Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews and is a way to showcase the books we've received for review or purchased, borrowed, etc. If you'd like to participate please check out Tynga's website for more information.
I bought this one after reading a gushing review by Valerie from Stuck in Books. Can't wait to read it!
Release Date: 7/11/2012, Next Door Publishing
As the next few books will confirm, I am kind of on an adult Science Fiction kick right now. There's a giant hole in my life left by the conclusion of the Mass Effect video games so I'm trying to fill it with books. If anyone has a recommendation for an awesome Space Opera or Military Science Fiction book, let me know in the comments.
Dauntless (The Lost Fleet #1), Jack Campbell
Release Date: 7/1/2006, Ace Books
The January Dancer (January Dancer #1), Michael Flynn
Release Date: 10/14/2008, Tor Books
This is the one I posted about a few weeks ago after I saw the trailer about a homicide detective trying to solve a murder in a pre-apocalyptic world. I started reading it a few days ago. So far, so good.
The Last Policeman: A Novel, Ben H. Winters
Release Date: 7/10/2012, Quirk Books
For Review:
Starling (Starling #1), Lesley Livingston
Source: ARC from publisher
Release Date: 8/28/2012, HarperTeen
Cuttlefish, Dave Freer
Source: Finished copy from publisher
Release Date: 7/26/2012, Pyr Books
Goodreads / Amazon
Source: Finished copy from publisher
Release Date: 7/26/2012, Pyr Books
Goodreads / Amazon

Between You & Me, Emma McLaughlin & Nicola Kraus
Source: Finished copy from publisher
Release Date: 6/12/2012, Atria Books
Goodreads / Amazon

Ten Girls to Watch, Charity Shumway
Source: Finished copy from publisher
Release Date: 7/31/2012, Washington Square Press
Goodreads / Amazon

Beautiful Disaster (Beautiful #1), Jamie McGuire
Source: ARC from publisher
Release Date: 8/14/2012, Atria Books
Goodreads / Amazon

The Assassin's Curse, Cassandra Rose Clarke
Source: ARC from publisher
Release Date: 10/2/2012, Strange Chemistry
Goodreads / Amazon

vN (The Machine Dynasty #1), Madeline Ashby
Source: ARC from publisher
Release Date: 7/31/2012, Angry Robot
Goodreads / Amazon

Seven Wonder, Adam Christopher
Source: ARC from publisher
Release Date: 8/28/2012, Angry Robot
Goodreads / Amazon

Speechless, Hannah Harrington
Source: ARC from publisher
Release Date: 8/28/2012, HarlequinTeen
Goodreads / Amazon
Mystic City (Mystic City #1), Theo Lawrence
Source: ARC from publisher
Release Date: 10/9/12, Random House
Goodreads / Amazon

Every Day, David Levithan
Source: ARC from publisher
Release Date: 8/28/2012, Knopf BYR
Goodreads / Amazon

Every Day, David Levithan
Source: ARC from publisher
Release Date: 8/28/2012, Knopf BYR
Goodreads / Amazon

Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power, Jon Meacham
Source: ARC from publisher
Release Date: 11/13/2012, Random House
Goodreads / Amazon

Gross America, Richard Faulk
Source: ARC from publisher
Release Date: 10/11/2012, Tarcher
Goodreads / Amazon

Team Human, Justine Larbalestier & Sarah Rees Brennan
Release Date: 7/3/2012, HarperTeen
Goodreads / Amazon
A HUGE thank you to Justin from Justin's Book Blog, Valerie from Stuck in Books, Atria, Knopf BYR, Random House, Angry Robot, Harper, Pyr, Harlequin Teen, Tarcher, Edelweiss and Netgalley. That's it for me this week. Leave me a link to your mailbox post and I'll be sure to check it out!!
Wow, so many great looking books! How on Earth will you choose where to start?
awesome books!! Spill Over was amazing!
- Juhina
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