I took the day off of Twitter yesterday so I could concentrate on a new WIP that had been gnawing on my brain. Of course as the evening wound down and I started to prepare for bed, I couldn't help but sneak a peak at my tweets. I'm glad I did, because I discovered that I had been given this award by the lovely and talented Ashley Graham @ http://argraham.blogspot.com/:

Wow! Thanks Ashley. I love this award!
This award comes with a few rules however:
1. Thank and link to the person who nominated you.
2. Share seven random facts about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to 5 new-found blogging buddies.
4. Contact the winners to congratulate them.
Okay, so let's start!
Thank you again Ashley! You're awesome.
7 random facts about me:
1) I'm intensely shy. Like the-mere-thought-of-public-speaking-makes-me-vomit shy. Since I've always viewed this as a deep personal weakness, I try really hard to hide it. Unfortunately, this leads most people to believe I'm stuck up. Which I'm not.
2) I have a huge family. I have 4 older sisters -- Sarah, Joanne, and Katie (I'll talk about them on this blog a lot). I have 1 younger brother -- Joey -- who was born on my 8th birthday. My mother went into labor while we were blowing out the birthday candles.
I also have 3 additional older sisters from my father's first marriage -- Michelle, Jodie, and Carrie -- and 15 nieces and nephews.
The picture below is from when I was really young so it doesn't include Joey, but that's me behind my father's head, wearing a shirt that was a pink version of one he owned. Oh, how I adored my daddy!
Also, FYI - the little girl in the bottom left corner is not a member of the family. To this day I still have no idea who she is or why she's in this picture.
3) I'm addicted to the Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 video games. Each of the two games takes 30+ hours of gameplay to complete and I've played each several times. You play as the heroic Commander Shepard and you race to save the galaxy from a race of sentient machines known as the Reapers.

This game is epic. There are aliens, exploding aliens, almost magic-like powers called biotics, and even a little romance. I would compare it to any great novel I've ever read. The best part is that the story line of the game changes with each decision you make. I could play through a 1,000 times and never have exactly the same experience.
4) I eat all of my food in a circular pattern. Chewing the edges off and saving the middle for last. I know, strange, right? There's just something about the very center of everything that I like to save for my last bite.
5) Growing up my father always told me I should be a lawyer. I originally thought it was a comment on my intelligence. Came to find out later it was merely because I love to debate. Most of the time I don't even have a strong opinion on the topic. But since I like to get to the root of everything I will continue to ask questions of those who do and throw out any scenario where their position might not be the most logical.
For the longest time I had no idea that people saw this as my being argumentative. I simply looked at it as character study. I just wanted to know why they had this opinion. I wanted to know what events transpired in their lives to lead them to the point where the point of view they held was the only point of view they could see as right.
6) I on the other hand wanted to be an astronaut when I grew up. Of course back then I was certain that by the time I was an adult we'd be exploring the galaxy Starfleet style.
Which brings me to my next random fact about me:
7) I had a huge crush on Spock. I loved him! Everything about him from his pointy ears and weird eyebrows to his calm and logical approach to every situation.
My sisters Joanne, Katie and I would play Star Trek all the time. Joanne would always play Captain Kirk, Katie was Dr. McCoy, and I got to be Spock. I think part of me truly believed I would one day grow up and marry the Vulcan.
Okay, that's it about me. Now to pass the award along to my fellow bloggers:
1. Keriann Greaney Martin
2. Stacy Green
3. Kara Malinczak
4. Sara Furlong Burr
5. Kate Larkindale
Okay ladies, come and get your award!!
I'm all in. But I have to do this tomorrow. I'm too drunk. Bookmarking.
Take your time. I don't expect everyone to be up in the wee hours of the morning like I am!
Oh wow! Thanks so much! I'll do it in the morning, I promise. Too much on right now. Plus I need to think of interesting things to say....
THANK YOU!! I'm so sorry I'm late getting my award. Day job kept me super busy (dang marketing conference). I'm going to work on the post right now!
Ack! I never left you a proper thank you on your blog. Sorry! Thank you again, Melanie for my awesome blog award!
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