This award comes with a few rules:
1. Thank and link to the person who nominated you.
2. Share seven random facts about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to 5 new-found blogging buddies.
4. Contact the winners to congratulate them.
And since I had just done a 7 things about me post, I was pretty sure you'd all be tired of hearing about me, so I decided to wait a few days.
In any case let me start out by thanking Sara. Thank you Sara!!!! You should all check out her blog here. She is amazing and talented. And she likes my blog, which means she's smart.
Now on to another 7 random things about me:
1) I love musicals. This includes all cheesy Nickelodeon / Disney Channel musicals like this one here:

Believe it or not I get this from my father who shared with me his love of musicals and classic black & white films, along with his love of science fiction and honey roasted peanuts.
My father's favorite was always West Side Story.

My favorite is a Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers musical called Shall We Dance?
2) I don't cry in public. I'm not a person who is comfortable showing my emotions. This is not to say that I don't cry. I do. I just prefer to do it alone, in the privacy of my own bathroom, or in the car on my ride home from work.

When my father died last year, I took a lot of flack for my failure to cry at his funeral. Several relatives jokingly called me a sociopath. All I can say to those people is that just because I don't grieve in the same manner as they do, doesn't mean I don't grieve. I'm human. I hurt, my heart breaks, and believe it or not, I cry. Just because I choose not to be a broken mess in public does not make me a bad person.
3) My sister Katie is my best friend. Since she is only 11 months older than I am, we are what is known as Irish twins. We went through school in the same grade and have done practically everything together since we were babies.
Katie got me into a lot of trouble when we were younger and is the inspiration for a lot of my work. She is now a proud army wife and a mother of two. That's her below with her husband Casey.

4) I was due on Halloween but not born until November 20th. If I'd been born today they would never have allowed me to remain in the womb so long. It obviously hasn't adversely affected me. I think.
5) My favorite song is Somewhere Over the Rainbow.

6) I'm addicted to Coca Cola. I hate Pepsi. And I prefer to drink it in the small 12 oz. bottles.
7) And last but not least, the first creative writing project I ever tried to share with the world was a play in the sixth grade about a princess who was turned into a tree. Genius. I know.
The opening did not go so well. The lead was sick and didn't show up, so I spent the entire time puking in the bathroom. I'm so good under pressure.
Now to pass on the award to five new blogger friends:
1. Terri Rochenski
2. Kelcey McKinley
3. Allie Burke
4. Claudia C
5. Angela Kulig
Thanks so much, Melanie! I may steal your strategy of waiting a bit, since I also recently did a "7 things" post. Thanks again.
I LOL'd about your play. I used to write plays as well, but my love of Theatre continued 6th grade through college.
Thanks for the award, I thanked you on my blog.
Wow! Thanks for the award! *happy dance* Great list! it's great to know more about you!
Awww thanks for the kind comments :-) And you are very welcome!
I can't stand Coke. There's just something about it that tastes artificial to me (not that Pepsi is any better). I wish I were as strong as you. I'm prone to blubbering like a baby in public at the drop of a hat. It gets rather annoying at times.
Hey, I have a sister named Katie too! Wow, we're so much alike (LOL).
I can't tell the different between Coke and Pepsi from the fountain, but I'm not a huge fan of Coke in a can. It tastes too syrupy.
Also, have you read the "Kingdom of Landover" series? The king marries a half human/half wood nymph woman who has to turn into a tree every month. But she's the queen, not the princess. Pretty darn close!
You guys really are the best writer/blogger friends a girl could ask for! I wish I had an awesomeness award to bestow upon you.
Keriann - I've never read that series but I'm googling it now!
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